The navbar links are not active yet! THIS is the only page on the website. New stuffs coming soon xoxo

This webpage is my digital place of respite. Here you will find what I hope becomes a distillation of my passions and personal tastes.

I'm a 21 year old male man (not a mailman) from British Columbia, Canada. Based on that description some of you might assume I'm an iced latte drinking boykisser who cares a lot about art, and you'd be right, if not for the fact that I'm only about 12% gay. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I come from one of the most progressive places on Earth, so if you're from Alberta or otherwise have a problem with excessive immigration, you'd better leave my website or prepare to get on both knees and kiss the spotless white dye out of my New Balance 550 White Winter Fogs while the condensation from my venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew drips down onto your balding scalp like sundries of my respect. Maybe if you're lucky I'll let you get a closeup of the intricately painted flowers on my nails, and to reiterate, I'm not gay, I'm just comfortable with being feminine.